Wednesday 26 November 2008

What is this?

One day, I read a book called "Ask and it is Given" by Esther Hicks (It's the book the movie 'The Secret' is based on) I liked it. I thought it made sense. I also hated my job and felt very much ready for a change. So I did the following:

On the train to work, I started mentally listing all the things I was grateful for. When I got off the train, I used the 15 minute walk to the office to think about what I wanted in my new job. Every day, I listed every thing I could possibly want in a job. Everything.

And then one day, I found a job with the EXACT characteristics I was looking for. Down to eerie details like me being able to wear jeans to work, and having Christmas week off. It was... incredible. And I was happy there! It's the best job I have ever had.

Anyway, I want to keep on doing this. Dedicating part of the day to appreciate and focus on what I wanted in life gave me great results, and doing it publicly will help me stay on track.

I also thought it could be interesting to do this with a bunch of people and see what happens to everyone. So feel free to join! You can drop me a line at: dynamitaaATgmailDOTcom.

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